2012 is coming to an end soon and what better way to remember this year than by blogging it. This year has probably been the most challenging yet a year full of blessings. I have many obstacles I need to face and overcome, but I would have to say I have the best support system right now in my life to help me through it all. My children are my biggest inspirations. They get me through everyday. I am barely functional at the end of the day but I make it. All because they are the light of my world. I am trying to be the best mommy I can be right now. I don't know how my mom did it all those years by herself. I am in awe of how strong she was, through everything that me and my siblings had put her through. She is truly my hero. I don't think I have ever been so close to my siblings. They are my breath of fresh air and headache at the same time. I love that I can turn to them when I need something and they will gladly help me without a second thought. I got to spend my time with my extended family this year. From trips to our family reunion, we all got to see each other and my kids were able to meet a lot of their aunties and uncles that they have never met before. This year has taught me the importance of family and their role in my life. I will never take for granted the time that we have on this earth with them. My friends! What can I say, from old to new founded friendships. You guys make my life so much more interesting. I don't know what I would do without my long talks and short weekends with you. I'm sure your shoulders are exhausted from being there for me to cry on. My life would never be the same without your love and support. This year was challenging. Next year will be a success! I love you all! Let us end 2012 with a bang!!
“Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.”-Don Delillo
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
My heart is open to love, beyond any hate or fear...In fact, my heart is open even to those who disrespect others and reject the Good. I’m afraid to give you my all, I’m afraid to love you completely. But the truth is I have give you my all, And I do love you completely there is no other person I want more than I want you.. and the reason it always comes down to losing you is because I’m so deeply afraid of losing you.Maybe it’s the way you grab my hand and hold it… or the way you kiss me… or maybe it’s the way you let me put my arms around you… maybe it’s the way you look at me… and your smile just makes me melt… maybe it’s the way we can text for hours about absolutely nothing but I still feel like I just had the best conversation of my whole life… maybe it’s the way that I want to break down and cry when I think about how you hold me up on a pedestal… maybe that’s it… that makes me want you so much.. maybe that’s what makes me miss you so much.. maybe that’s why I’m so afraid of losing you.. maybe your my world.. maybe when you touch me, hold me, look at me, even when your around me I’m happy maybe you are just the most amazing thing in the world.. maybe I love you with all my heart..The truth is you make me happy.. I fall more in love with you every day (:
*Sigh* To feel that would be the best thing in the world to me. Everyone deserves love and to be loved.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Life Experiences....
For people who don't know I have been separated for about 9 months now. This is the most challenging, hardest, emotionally draining thing that I have ever had to go through in my life. I look back at the last 6 years that I have been married and think to myself about the good and bad times I have had. People have their assumptions on what happened in my marriage or why I am separated. When it comes down to everything, things just didn't work out between me and my husband. As much as I see people wanting to blame it on other factors that they think they know, it's just that we don't see eye to eye on things. If i could go back and change what and where rich and I went wrong I would. People can't change the past. We can only change what is going to happen in the future. Don't be mistaken. I will always love the father of my children. I have watched my children go through such a big transformation in the past 9 months. They have blossomed in personality, but they still have days and moments where I can see this separation having an impact on them. It hurts my heart to see them go through something like this. When your younger and you think about getting married you never would think about getting divorced. Coming from divorced parents I can assure you this is not something I ever wanted let alone ever wanted my children to go through.
Having my family and friends around throughout all this has been such a relief. Not having to do ll of this on my own has made me appreciate the people I have in my life now. My family has been my biggest supporters in my everyday decisions for my family. Without my mom, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews I don't know where I would be today. Juggling a job and kids is such a challenge and they are the ones who help me every step of the way. Having my grandma's grave so close so I can visit and talk to her has been such a blessing to me. That is one thing I regret, is the fact that my children didn't get to know their grandma Tilini while she was alive. Those are things you cannot take back. I would never take away the chance for my children to feel and know the love that their family has for them. I can say that I have the best friends in my life right now. I couldn't ask for anything better then having a friend who is always there when I need them to talk to. My long phone calls and nights out with them lightens my load.
So the question is.... What is my next step? There is nothing more I want then to make all the money in the world and take care of my kids. *haha Since I can't make ALL the money in the world I have to settle with my little job, and living with the BEST Uncle in the world ;) Don't take your marriage, family, or friends for granted you never know when one of them will be gone forever. So from here on, I am gonna continue and finish my schooling and take everyday one step at a time. Loving and holding my children every step of the way. I know that everything will turn out for the best.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The world is at peace when I spend my time with you. My heartache and pain put me in a mode that I never thought I would overcome. Then you came. I will always love our long talks, long walks, and everything in between. I’m extremely appreciative of you. You help mold me into a more sensible person as well as a better friend.
You defiantly expanded my horizons and introduced me to many positive
things. We have a special friendship. I don't know how it got its start, but its warmth dwells within my heart.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bingham High School SUCKS
So check this out. My little cousin Seilose is a sophomore at Bingham High School. She was the top debater for the debate team. She had a 4.0 GPA, and a straight A student. She was accused of changing her grades in her math class. The day after she was accused her math teacher (Mrs. Boucher) went on maternity leave. the administration for Bingham asked her to try to prove that she did not changer grades on the computer. Thank goodness Seilose keeps every single thing that she has, because she had her paper copies of her test and they all matched her grades on the computer that she supposedly changed. The administration, Mr. Hicks and Mrs. Gentry, did NOT do anything about her proof. Instead they said that they are going to wait until her teacher comes back from maternity leave. But while they are waiting the school still decided to strip her from all her titles and not let her run for class president for next year. While all of this is going on she has received 2 letters in her locker and 3 emails form someone in the school confessing that they changed her grades and calling her names and telling her they wished she was dead. The letters expressed that they were upset with Seilose for running for president and later letters showed their satisfaction of her not being able to run. She has taken these letters and emails to the administration and they said that they are not going to do anything about it because she could be writing herself these emails and letters. Its sad to see a school be like this. I have gone up there to check the cameras for myself but no luck was there. The police ( Officer Clark ) won't help and the Principle will not pursue anything with these letters because he says they are not threatening. They are pathetic. Two other students have come to other admins and told them they suspected a specific girl name Jessica Vanderkooi of writing the emails because of a piece of paper they found at her desk in class that said the exact same thing verbatim on the emails. They just say that it is a coincidence. I cannot begin to tell you the frustrations that we have been going through with this situation. Nobody is trying to help with anything about the letters and the false accusations of her cheating. So if anyone has any ideas or knows anybody that will listen to us! Let me know!! Thank you for reading!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Are you missing your sweetheart? You may be thinking of him/her as
he/she is now not with you. He/she is far away from you and you are
missing each moment, each phase of life once you spent with each other. Its hard to stop your heart and eyes crying and looking for only one glance of your lover. I miss you
constantly… all the time. It doesn’t pass. I wish it does… I usually
take a moment waiting for it to pass. I try turning my attention to
something else. I work, I write, I run, I exhaust myself to the point of
helplessness just as so I will not have enough energy or time to miss
you. But it just won’t go away. It takes over or co-exist with
everything else inside or positions itself in between everything else.
But it doesn’t go away. I have
never missed anyone this much that it makes my body ache literally. I
tried crying. Tears have a magical way of allowing people to feel a
little better under different circumstances. That’s useless too. I cry
myself to sleep or I cry in the middle of work and I still would miss
you with the same intensity, with the same passion, with the same pain.
It’s just way too deep that even tears can’t reach it. Relationships
are very rarely "perfect" and they are always going to have some issues
that develop depending on place, and situation, but many times, what it
takes is communication and the mutual effort to work on "things". This
brings me to my point: I'm torn. There is a question that needs
answering here … and it is not "do you make me happy" but rather: Being
that relationships are never easy, am I worth the effort? Are we worth
the effort?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Family Time
These past few weeks have been exciting for my little family. We took a trip to Pittsburgh to celebrate Easter and my birthday! I turned 26 (I am getting old :( )
I spent my birthday with so many people that I love. It has been so far the best birthday for a long time.
We came home for a few days then took a last minute family trip to Disney World in Florida. It was my kids first time to ever be there. They had a blast! They lasted from 11a.m to 11:30p.m. They were such troopers and got to meet and see some of their favorite Disney characters.
Now we are back to reality, and things are as they were before our trips and fun. Missing things that I used to have and then some. It has been such a great experience for my kids to see everyone happy and for me to see my kids happy! I am a BIG joker about serious things and situations that I am in, but no matter what life throws at me I will always have them. Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Happier Note....
Funny Quote Time Again!!!.... a few quotes from movies that I love!!! Enjoy the laugh...
Xantha: Anything you have to say to me... you can say it in front of Malaria.
Pest: Anything?
Xantha: Anything.
Pest: Alright. Malaria's got mossy teeth, dandruff, and a fat butt!
Xantha: PEST!
Malaria: These jeans make me look fat!
Pest: Ah no, Malaria, your fat butt makes you look fat!
Mr. Cheung: You know, you don't even look Chinese. You look like Moe from Three Stooges. I fire your ass!
Amanda: Is that your bathing suit?
Wednesday: Is that your overbite?
Gary: Now, one of you will be the drowning victim and the other one gets to be our lifesaver.
Amanda: I'll be the victim!
Wednesday: All your life.
Wednesday: We don't hug.
Becky: Oh, they're just shy.
Pugsley: We're not shy.
Wednesday: We're contagious.
Gomez: [to Fester] You'll meet someone. Someone very special. Someone who won't press charges.
Uncle Fester: Dementia, what a beautiful name.
Dementia: It means "insanity."
Uncle Fester: My name is Fester. It means "to rot."
Debbie Jellinsky: [to Pubert] Hold still you little brat!
Wednesday: He's not a brat.
Debbie Jellinsky: Of course not. He's an adorable little baby?
Wednesday: Fine. Rub it in!
Prince John: Such an unusual name, "Latrine." How did your family come by it?
Latrine: We changed it in the 9th century.
Prince John: You mean you changed it TO "Latrine"?
Latrine: Yeah. Used to be "Shithouse."
Prince John: It's a good change. That's a good change!
Robin Hood: Blinkin, listen to me. They've taken the castle!
Blinkin: I thought it felt a bit drafty. Cor, this never would have happened if your father was alive.
Robin Hood: He's dead?
Blinkin: Yes...
Robin Hood: And my mother?
Blinkin: She died of pneumonia while...
Blinkin: Oh, you were away!
Robin Hood: My brothers?
Blinkin: There were all killed by the plague.
Robin Hood: My dog, Pongo?
Blinkin: Run over by a carriage.
Robin Hood: My goldfish, Goldie?
Blinkin: Eaten by the cat.
Robin Hood: [on the verge of tears] My cat?
Blinkin: Choked on the goldfish.
Blinkin: Oh, it's good to be home, ain't it, Master Robin?
Sheriff of Rottingham: King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is!
Robin Hood, Maid Marian: What?
Sheriff of Rottingham: I mean, don't you know it's illegal to kill a wild pig in the king's forest?
Ahchoo: [after Blinkin catches an arrow] Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?
Hood: So, what we wanna know is are you a brotha or a sista?
Pat: Well, I'm an only child...
Pat: Spekanse americano por favor?
Xantha: Anything you have to say to me... you can say it in front of Malaria.
Pest: Anything?
Xantha: Anything.
Pest: Alright. Malaria's got mossy teeth, dandruff, and a fat butt!
Xantha: PEST!
Malaria: These jeans make me look fat!
Pest: Ah no, Malaria, your fat butt makes you look fat!
Mr. Cheung: You know, you don't even look Chinese. You look like Moe from Three Stooges. I fire your ass!
Amanda: Is that your bathing suit?
Wednesday: Is that your overbite?
Gary: Now, one of you will be the drowning victim and the other one gets to be our lifesaver.
Amanda: I'll be the victim!
Wednesday: All your life.
Wednesday: We don't hug.
Becky: Oh, they're just shy.
Pugsley: We're not shy.
Wednesday: We're contagious.
Gomez: [to Fester] You'll meet someone. Someone very special. Someone who won't press charges.
Uncle Fester: Dementia, what a beautiful name.
Dementia: It means "insanity."
Uncle Fester: My name is Fester. It means "to rot."
Debbie Jellinsky: [to Pubert] Hold still you little brat!
Wednesday: He's not a brat.
Debbie Jellinsky: Of course not. He's an adorable little baby?
Wednesday: Fine. Rub it in!
Prince John: Such an unusual name, "Latrine." How did your family come by it?
Latrine: We changed it in the 9th century.
Prince John: You mean you changed it TO "Latrine"?
Latrine: Yeah. Used to be "Shithouse."
Prince John: It's a good change. That's a good change!
Robin Hood: Blinkin, listen to me. They've taken the castle!
Blinkin: I thought it felt a bit drafty. Cor, this never would have happened if your father was alive.
Robin Hood: He's dead?
Blinkin: Yes...
Robin Hood: And my mother?
Blinkin: She died of pneumonia while...
Blinkin: Oh, you were away!
Robin Hood: My brothers?
Blinkin: There were all killed by the plague.
Robin Hood: My dog, Pongo?
Blinkin: Run over by a carriage.
Robin Hood: My goldfish, Goldie?
Blinkin: Eaten by the cat.
Robin Hood: [on the verge of tears] My cat?
Blinkin: Choked on the goldfish.
Blinkin: Oh, it's good to be home, ain't it, Master Robin?
Sheriff of Rottingham: King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is!
Robin Hood, Maid Marian: What?
Sheriff of Rottingham: I mean, don't you know it's illegal to kill a wild pig in the king's forest?
Ahchoo: [after Blinkin catches an arrow] Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?
Hood: So, what we wanna know is are you a brotha or a sista?
Pat: Well, I'm an only child...
Pat: Spekanse americano por favor?
Monday, March 19, 2012
Too Cruel to be kind...
So it has been a cruel game my life has been playing with me these last few months. Oh if i could only fix the wrongs in my life with a snap of my fingers. My kids have been my biggest supporters and my crutch in my life right now. I don't feel like I could make it through everyday without them. There has been many joyful people that I have accepted or brought into my life also. My Fa'ulao family, my days would be dull and my children and my heart would not be be happy let alone be able to make it through this time of need without them. My brother Travis, he has become my best friend and my love for him has just grown so much. My girlfriends, I don't know where I would be without our much needed talks! Cheers to new friends and to old ones!
To the people that have problems with me! Thank you! Because without a little challenge in life, it would be too easy to go through. My faith has been tested, my love has been tested, my worth has been tested! We will see where the results fall! All I know right now is how much I would never make any day worth living if it was not for my 4 babies. SO!
To Deuce, Simaima, WIlliam, and Melia,
You all are my heart. You are stubborn, willful, energetic and incredible children bursting
with imagination, thoughtfulness, rambunctiousness and love. You make a
quiet room loud and full of clatter, you make a noisy room the most
peaceful place in the world. You touch my cheeks with both your hands
and kiss my face, loving me for all my faults and forgiving me for my
short temper. I never thought.. I never dreamed children could ever be all the things... through all the years that you have been to me. I know over time the pain will be less. But
it's OK to cry right now. So
just come, and I will hold you and we will cry together. And I will wipe
your tears. It's challenging at times for me to describe much I love you! Being your mommy has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. There is nothing that could ever change how I feel about you guys. Since you guys came into my life, I have been stretched and challenged in ways I could not have imagined previously. What is so beautiful about you guys is that you guys remind me you love me without saying a word. There has been many changes, and I have watched you guys ride and make changes accordingly. There will be many more changes. Challenging ones at that. You give me the confidence that I can also change.There is nothing you need to do, for me to love you. I love you simply because you are my children.It's hard for me to describe much I love you guys! Being your mommy has been one of the greatest gifts in my life.There's nothing that could ever change how I feel about you. The greatest joy in my life is the joy i saw in yours. I know that my life would not count for much unless yours was full of every opportunity for happiness it could obtain. I love you guys more than you'll ever know, and I am grateful everyday for your patience, humor, and love that you show me. I will love you always and forever!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Lets take it back....
Friday, March 9, 2012
So my sister in-law sang this song at church one Sunday and all I kept
thinking was I know this feeling oh too well. It is crazy the things
that you go through on a day-to-day basis. How life throws you curve
balls and you don't know what to do with your life anymore. My kids are
my life. I look at the struggles and nights of crying and I think of
this song and it gives me hope that things will get better and prosper
for me. Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it’s what’s
in the
middle that counts. So, when you find yourself at the beginning, just
give hope a chance to float up. And it will!The very least you can do in
your life is to figure out what you hope
for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it
from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.
True hope dwells on the possible, even when life seems to be a plot
written by someone who wants to see how much adversity we can overcome
True hope responds to the real world, to real life; it is an active
effort-Walter Anderson
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
Friday, March 2, 2012
How to cope....
There is no crystal ball to predict that a particular friend will turn
out to be a reliable, positive relationship in your life or, by
contrast, that a negative association will cause you emotional distress,
or worse. Since destructive or negative friends are not always that
easy to spot, being forewarned is forearmed, as the saying goes. Some
friends may be betrayers from the start; others may turn into betrayers
because of what's going on in their lives or because of changes in their
personality. Sometimes you need to consider what your friend is really
like within the contexts of all the behaviors. If you have been double-crossed by a particular friend, you may want to
consider ending the friendship. If you have not been directly harmed by
this friend but have evidence that she has hurt others, you have to
decide if you are risking too much by maintaining the friendship. Always consider who you talk to and what you talk to them about. Everyone looks out for themselves. It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends,but
it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers. Trust can take years to build,but only a second to break. Thinking if anything was real is always a killer in itself. If you ever have to question a friendship,then can it really
be called "friendship?"
Once trust has been betrayed, most people will be less trusting the
next time. The degree of mistrust that is engendered varies between
individuals and with the sensitivity of a particular betrayal.You can learn to trust someone perfectly--but that's risky. Even
highly trustworthy people can always change. You can most probably, but
not certainly, trust people if they have been regularly honest up to now.
That is, if they are not too emotionally disturbed and if they subscribe
to usual moral rules. Even when you cannot trust some people, you can
teach yourself to feel only healthily sorry and disappointed about their
behavior but not unhealthily enraged and self-pityingly about them as
persons. Trust yourself to stop damning people as a whole, no matter how
badly they now behave. Moving on seems to be the only answer to mistrust. But is it?....
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Holy 2012 Batman....

So as you can see it has been an eventful and celebrated year so far and so much more to come! I hope everyone takes advantage of the love that is given to them and gets rid of the negative and moves on with the positive! I wish moving forward included all the people that I love but it does not always work that way. Things will always be a little bit harder, a little more confusing, making a lot of choices! And it is all possible if you have faith in everything that you do. I have gained that faith and plan on holding tight to it and moving towards a better me. If I have ever expressed my love for someone it has been out of the truest most compassion of my heart. Love is not anything to toy with! Lessons have been well learned.
Love Peace and Chicken Grease ALL!!!!
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