Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Are you missing your sweetheart? You may be thinking of him/her as he/she is now not with you. He/she is far away from you and you are missing each moment, each phase of life once you spent with each other. Its hard to stop your heart and eyes crying and looking for only one glance of your lover. I miss you constantly… all the time. It doesn’t pass. I wish it does… I usually take a moment waiting for it to pass. I try turning my attention to something else. I work, I write, I run, I exhaust myself to the point of helplessness just as so I will not have enough energy or time to miss you. But it just won’t go away. It takes over or co-exist with everything else inside or positions itself in between everything else. But it doesn’t go away. I have never missed anyone this much that it makes my body ache literally. I tried crying. Tears have a magical way of allowing people to feel a little better under different circumstances. That’s useless too. I cry myself to sleep or I cry in the middle of work and I still would miss you with the same intensity, with the same passion, with the same pain. It’s just way too deep that even tears can’t reach it. Relationships are very rarely "perfect" and they are always going to have some issues that develop depending on place, and situation, but many times, what it takes is communication and the mutual effort to work on "things". This brings me to my point: I'm torn. There is a question that needs answering here … and it is not "do you make me happy" but rather: Being that relationships are never easy, am I worth the effort? Are we worth the effort?

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