Sunday, May 15, 2011

*Serious Note* [Postpartum Deppression]

So this is a subject that I can relate to! I have four BEAUTIFUL children. I am very blessed to have them in my life. But, I do have to be honest it is not the easiest thing to cope with after giving birth. I have had postpartum depression, probably still do. I just think that I have learned to deal with things or I am just busy enough not to notice. If you are feeling anyway
  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Guilt
  • A feeling of being overwhelmed
  • Sleep and eating disturbances
  • Inability to be comforted
  • Exhaustion
  • Emptiness
  • Anhedonia
  • Social withdrawal
  • Low or no energy
  • Becoming easily frustrated
  • Feeling inadequate in taking care of the baby
  • Impaired speech and writing
  • Spells of anger towards others
  • Increased anxiety or panic attacks
  • Decreased sex drive

 ESPECIALLY after having a baby. You have Postpartum Depression (PPD). This is very serious and should not be taken lightly. Babies have lost their lives, mothers have committed suicide, marriages have been lost, etc. The list could go on. After I had my third is when PPD hit me HARD! I never wanted to do anything. When I did go have mommy time I always felt guilty about leaving my kids. I never went and looked for help. Grant it my mother in law is a therapist and I talked to her about it on a day to day basis. I still felt hopeless. THEN I got pregnant again. I was so upset at the time, seeing that I was on birth control. And after my 4th  It was WAY worse then after my third. I felt like I had nobody to go to. Then I started actual counseling it helped to have somebody "out of my circle" to talk to about things. I am not gonna say that I am totally better, but its an uphill battle that many women as myself are trying to overcome. Some women have it not so extreme, but others are way worse and can't control any of their thoughts or decisions. Please if you feel any way like this do something about it. Praying can only get you so far. If you are not willing to help yourself then you will never get better. Help others that you think need help also.PPD can happen  to ANYONE! If you are one of those mothers who think, oh i won't ever get that. You are totally wrong. I was like that, and reality hit me so hard. I feel myself wanting to get out of the house so much, wanting to talk to any adult who crosses my path just to have a normal conversation. One thing that I have started doing that helps a lot is working out. I have been working out ever night with my husband and friend, routines, boxing, running (occasionally) and it has helped to keep my mind on a goal for my body which one thing from my pregnancy that I hate. I want to continue my education and try to help me build my brain muscles lol. But I just hope people out there will come to terms that they do have PPD and seek Help! I know many mothers who have it and do not seek help and they are not getting better. All I can do is give my opinions and advice. SO this is me doing that for mothers who won't listen to anyone else.

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