Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today was an okay day for me. I woke up sick as a dog still only to find out that my husband is not feeling too well himself. So, once again nobody to take care of mommy. So I did everything today with a headache bodyache, sore throat, and stuffy nose! :-) But hey, whos complaining (*all fingers pointing at me*) But I got a visit from a good friend for a while today, and she helped with taking care of the kids a littly bit...which she always does and takes some of the anxiety of my chest! Theres so much that needs to be done this weekend at our residence, like we are preparing our house to move out, moving into our new place, yard work cleaning house, and there is also a funeral! So we have to be out by the end of the month. So we will see how everything pans out.But lets see something more kids!! My oldest is 3 and he is just getting words and sentences together. So its been pretty interesting listening to his "conversations with people" We are trying to potty train him, but he is terrified of the toilet. So any input on that subject would be greatly appreciated! :-) My daughter is one and is sweet when she wants to be! Other times she is a linebacker who trys to tackle everyone in sight! My youngest is 10 months. He has a little attitude, but has the sweetest spirit. I know i keep contradicting myself! Lol but my kids have the best personalities! And are a joy to watch *wink* lol just kidding. Im thankful to be a mother, its been a rollercoaster of emotions but i learn new things and is growing up with my children! I couldnt ask for a greater blessing then these little spirits running around and yelling in my house!! :-) And with another on the way it keeps getting better and better! Well sleep time for the children. Be back on when i can!

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