I have come to learn that you cannot always be there for people. Trying to be a good friend has been a
challenge. I like to think that I have been the best friend to my little circle of friends that I have. We are
works in process and continually changing throughout life. There are friendships that belong in
different places and at different times, with different versions of who we are. To demand that a
friendship continues past its rightful time can be an attempt to turn it into something it isn't, which is to
take away from what it is. Sometimes the only way to get to have a forever friendship is to let it go in
the form that it was and allow it to take on the form that it needs to be -- all the while holding it steady
in your heart.We don't have the happiness always residing beside us and the sadness to also never
separate from us. We should stick by our friends side. We should always have them in our lives so we
can share whatever with them, always keep them in our hearts forever.
Loving someone is never wrong .It's a great and amazing thing to love and be loved. Why would it be
wrong? To love your best friend is such a great power among us all. Trusting, caring, and being there
for each other is apart love. Never put down love, it's the way we evolve and become stronger and to
know there's always that one special friend by your side, well that is apart LOVE.
(love is a hard emotion to define)