Thursday, December 27, 2012


2012 is coming to an end soon and what better way to remember this year than by blogging it. This year has probably been the most challenging yet a year full of blessings. I have many obstacles I need to face and overcome, but I would have to say I have the best support system right now in my life to help me through it all. My children are my biggest inspirations. They get me through everyday. I am barely functional at the end of the day but I make it. All because they are the light of my world. I am trying to be the best mommy I can be right now. I don't know how my mom did it all those years by herself. I am in awe of how strong she was, through everything that me and my siblings had put her through. She is truly my hero. I don't think I have ever been so close to my siblings. They are my breath of fresh air and headache at the same time. I love that I can turn to them when I need something and they will gladly help me without a second thought. I got to spend my time with my extended family this year. From trips to our family reunion, we all got to see each other and my kids were able to meet a lot of their aunties and uncles that they have never met before. This year has taught me the importance of family and their role in my life. I will never take for granted the time that we have on this earth with them. My friends! What can I say, from old to new founded friendships. You guys make my life so much more interesting. I don't know what I would do without my long talks and short weekends with you. I'm sure your shoulders are exhausted from being there for me to cry on. My life would never be the same without your love and support. This year was challenging. Next year will be a success! I love you all! Let us end 2012 with a bang!!